Author Archives: Phine Ndungu

ECC Ladies Meeting – Alice’s Bridal Shower – Pastor Rose

06/04 Zoom Prayers

Phil 3:20
John 3:16
Deut 6:10-12
Col 2:6-8
"Give Thanks"
Ps 102:15
2 Tim 4:2
Rev 2:4-5
Col 3:15-17

05/16 Zoom Prayers (Phine)

Ps 33:20
Rom 8:25
Mic 7:7
Rom 5:3-4
Ps 27:14
"While I'm Waiting - John Waller"
Is 40:31
Lam 3:25-26
Is 30:18
Ps 112:1-4
2 Cor 1:20
Matt 7:24-27
Is 54:13
1 Tim 2:1-2
Is 49:14-16
"I Have Decided to Follow Jesus"

ECC Ladies Sunday – Our Identity

Intro by Margaret Muhungi