Author Archives: admin

05/07 Zoom Prayers (Pst Patrick)

Ps 89:1-2,5-8
"Sing For Joy - Don Moen"
Gen 35:16-19
1 Chron 4:10
1 Sam 4:21
Mal 3:6
Heb 13:8
Is 6:1
Gen 3:9
Ps 57:1;91:1-16

05/06 Bible Study – Neh 9:18-21 – w/Pastor Patrick

"Jesus - Chris Tomlin"

**NEHEMIAH* *9**

Read verse 18 – 21


1. The children of Israel provoked God many times in the wilderness, yet God dealt mercifully with them. List at least 6 things God did for them as captured by the verses above. _____________


2. Imagine a very big population in a barren wilderness that lacked nothing. Imagine their clothes didn’t get torn nor their feet swell for a full 40 years. Do you think we should *expect* to live a life of daily miraculous provision like that today? Explain your answer ___________

*APPLICATION*[What I will Do]

3. Imagine you are confronted by some of your friends. They have read these passages of how God dealt mercifully with the children of Israel. They cannot understand the suffering and death all around due to COVID-19. They are wondering whether God changed. What do you tell them? _____

Ps 103:10;145:8
1 Cor 4:7
Rom 11:36
Ps 24:1
Jam 1:17
Matt 7:11
Rom 8:32
Jer 9:24
Mal 3:6
Heb 13:8
Rom 8:28
Ecc 3:11
Pro 3:5-6

05/05 Zoom Prayers (Fridah)

Deut 10:21;29:18
"No Other God - Nathaniel Bassey & Lovesong"
Luke 11:1-2;15:11-32
Matt 4:4
Jer 29:11
Is 54:17
Ps 28:7
Hab 3:19
Jer 23:1-2
Is 2:2-3
Ps 67:1-2
Dan 9:4-19
Is 60:1-3
Jer 50:6
3 John 1:2
Jam 5:13-18
John 14:27
Phil 4:7
Is 53:5

05/01 Zoom Prayers (Fridah)

"Glorious God - Elijah Oyelade"
Ps 105:1-2,106:1-2
Rev 2:4-5
Is 1:2
John 3:16
Josh 1:8
1 Chron 12:32
Hagg 2:6-9
Rom 13:1
James 5:13-15
Prov 9:10
Hagg 2:21-22
Ps 33:10-12



04/29 Bible Study – Grace vs Mercy w/Pastor Patrick

"Grace Wins - Matthew West"

*NEHEMIAH* *9:16-17*


Nehemiah chapter 9 has the same theme running through it, namely Israel’s rebellion vs God’s faithfulness. Verse 17 specifically mentions God’s *Grace* and His **Mercy* which are very misunderstood concepts today. We will spend time to learn, discover these two concepts today!

*EXPLANATION**[What i Think]

1. In your own Words, explain the difference between Grace and Mercy and give an example of each from the Bible.


*Example* ________________________________

*Mercy* __________________________________

*Example* ________________________________

2. How can you tell that God’s Grace is really in operation in someone’s life- i.e. What is the evidence of God’s Grace in someone’s life? _____________________________

*APPLICATION*[ What’s Next]

3. What’s your take away today? ___________________________

Eph 2:8-9
John 1:14
2 Cor 13:13
Luke 18:13
Rom 5:8
2 Sam 9:1,7
1 Kings 1:13-51
2 Sam 12:13
Mark 10:46-47
1 John 3:17-18
Gal 2:9
Ps 16:2
1 Cor 15:10
Titus 2:11-12
Matt 7:16-17

04/26 Zoom Church & Conference with Pastor Job Simiyu “The Power and The Role of Your Mind” part 3

"Jehovah Is Your Name" & "Reign Jesus Reign" 
       Joshua on keyboards
Heb 13:15
"Every Praise - Hezekiah Walker"
"Endless Praise - Planetshakers"
"Take All The Praise - Eben"
"In Christ Alone/The Solid Rock - Travis Cottrell"
"Wonderful Merciful Savior - Selah"
"How Deep The Father's Love For Us - Selah"
-- Winning Our Warfare --

Rom 1:8,26,28,32
2 Cor 10:3-6
Eph 1:18
Gen 6:5; 7:5
1 Kings 17:8-15
Matt 16:24
Rom 1:22-23
Is 40:31
Matt 16:18
Luke 1:13,18,20,26-27
2 Cor 10:5
Luke 1:34
1 Kings 17:24
Dan 10:13
Ex 3:11,19; 5:20-21
Num 12:1
Rom 1:17; 12:1-2
Ps 91:1
1 John 1:7
James 1:2
Neh 8:10
Heb 11:24
Esth 4:13-16
Ruth 1:16-17
Prov 3:5-6

Pastor Job Khaemba Simiyu, Senior Pastor 
from Fountain of Wisdom Chapel, Kenya

04/25 Zoom Conference with Pastor Job Simiyu “The Power and The Role of Your Mind” part 2

"Wide As The Sky - Matt Redmond"
-- Challenging Your Thoughts --
Eph 1:17-18
Matt 6:25
John 8:32
2 Cor 10:3-5
Eph 1:6
Ps 119:130
2 Cor 4:3-4
Neh 8:10
Mark 4:24
Ps 119:105
Josh 1:8
Deut 30:14
Rom 10:8
Prov 16:3
Heb 12:11;11:11-12

Pastor Job Khaemba Simiyu, Senior Pastor 
from Fountain of Wisdom Chapel, Kenya

04/24 Zoom Conference with Pastor Job Simiyu “Laying a Fresh Foundation” part 2 & “The Power and The Role of Your Mind” part 1

Ps 113:1-9
"Glorious God - Elijah Oyelade"
"We Give You Glory Lord" a Capella
Matt 7:24
Gen 3:14,19
2 Cor 5:17
Matt 22:37
1 Pet 1:6-7
Matt 4:4,7,10
Mark 4:24
Matt 13:4-8,19-23
Gen 11:6
Col 1:9-12
2 Cor 10:3-5

Your mind can shut the door on belief,reality
Stronghold = massive amount of thoughts built like a house
  in someone's mind (about 40:30)

Pastor Job Khaemba Simiyu, Senior Pastor 
from Fountain of Wisdom Chapel, Kenya

04/23 Zoom Conference “Laying A Fresh Foundation” Pastor Job Simiyu

Ps 100:1-2
Ps 103:1-4
"Fadhili Zake Ni Za Milele · Reuben Kigame Na Sifa Voices
Matt 3:16;4:4
John 1:1-4
Ps 127:1-2
Luke 6:46-49
John 10:10
2 Cor 4:4
Luke 4:6
Rom 6:16
Ps 14:1
Heb 4:12
Gen 1:31
Matt 3:17
Mark 4:24-26,14-20

Pastor Job Khaemba Simiyu, Senior Pastor 
from Fountain of Wisdom Chapel, Kenya

04/22 Bible Study (Rosemary)

"Resurrecting - Elevation"
*NEHEMIAH* 9: 1-15
Read verse 1-3
1. According to verse 1-3, the children of Israel 
assembled together on the 24th day with Prayer and Fasting. 
Name 3 specific things they did on that day
a) ____________________
b) ____________________
c) ____________________

Read verse 4-15
*EXPLANATION* [ What I Think ]
2. The Levites recounted many great and awesome deeds 
that God had done for Israel. To name a few, He have 
them the land of Canaan, He parted the Red Sea for 
them and made a covenant with them at Sinai.
a) Why do you think God requires us to pray yet He 
   already knows what we need? ________
b) We read that the people gathered together to pray 
   and fast. Why is praying or worshipping together with
   others important? ___________________________________

*APPLICATION*[Why it Matters]
3. What is your take away today? __________

Jam 4:6
Matt 7:11
Jam 4:2